After spending last week in Twin Falls, ID for Fast Pitch Northwest's first ever prospect camp, week two brought us to Pasco, WA for a look at Eastern Washington's softball talent. Columbia Basin College was the site of our first encounter with these eager, young softball athletes on a perfect 80 degree day. As the ladies laced up their shoes and put on their official Fast Pitch NW shirts they appeared ready to begin, but were definitely not expecting to be put through as dynamic of a warm up as Eric Trice, Athletic Performance Director of Sports Capitol Northwest, had in store for them. Typically, fast pitch athletes will admit that they really don't do as much as they should to warm-up before practices and games, but Trice stresses the importance of getting the body properly prepared to compete at maximum capacity. No doubt about it, these girls were more than ready to start SPARQ testing after learning many new tips on athletic training and movement.

Though we were expecting only athletes from the Class of 2011 today, it was a young pitcher from the Class of 2013 who stole the show. Ashley Thompson, a 6-foot tall 14 year-old from Connell High School, put on a show for us all day while her father, also Connell's head fast pitch coach, watched in approval. Ashley's day-best 70.62 SPARQ rating was highlighted by her explosive 21.4 inch vertical jump and 38-foot powerball toss, putting her long frame to good use. Despite her impressive athletic display, it was her performance on the field that really turned heads. This girl stepped up to the plate and absolutely rocked the ball to every corner of the field, and when she took the mound her velocity and control looked virtually unhittable. With her two sure-handed 17 year-old teammates Kayla Bjorge (65.58 SPARQ rating) and Kate Hawk (61.71) playing centerfield and third base respectively, you can bet you'll find Connell High School at the top of its league standings next season. Look for us tomorrow as we round-up top fast pitch players from the region in the Class of 2012.
Article written by Colin Fahey (Athletic Trainer)
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